Showing posts with label English. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English. Show all posts

Wednesday 17 November 2021

5 Kata Bahasa Inggris yang Sering Salah Diucapkan

 smanforlearn - Meskipun terdiri dari 26 huruf yang sama, alfabet Inggris dan Indonesia sangat berbeda dalam hal suara yang mereka buat. Bahasa Indonesia adalah bahasa fonetik, yang berarti bahwa kata-kata diucapkan persis seperti ejaannya dan menurut bunyi hurufnya.

5 Kata Bahasa Inggris yang Sering Salah Diucapkan

Hal ini membuat kata-kata bahasa Indonesia mudah untuk diuraikan; Anda dapat mendengarkan sebuah kata dan mengetahui cara mengejanya, atau membaca sebuah kata dan mengetahui cara mengucapkannya dengan mudah.

Bahasa Inggris, di sisi lain, adalah non-fonetik dan memiliki sistem pengucapan yang kompleks. Huruf a pada ant misalnya memiliki bunyi yang berbeda dengan huruf a pada car. Beberapa huruf bahkan diam, seperti k di knee dan b di lamb!

Berikut adalah beberapa kata bahasa Inggris yang salah diucapkan untuk pelajar bahasa Inggris Indonesia, bersama dengan panduan tentang cara mengucapkannya dengan benar:

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Karena digraf ch sering membuat bunyi tj lembut dalam kata-kata seperti chicken, chair dan beach, pembelajar bahasa Inggris sering menerapkan konsep yang sama pada stomach.

Namun, kata ini sebenarnya diakhiri dengan suara k yang keras, seperti black, duck and trick, yang artinya sebenarnya diucapkan sto-mek.


Ini adalah salah satu dari banyak kata bahasa Inggris yang memiliki silent letter, yang artinya harus diabaikan sama sekali. Sebagai answer, w diam untuk mengucapkan kata sebagai an-ser.

Huruf w diam juga hadir dalam kata sword (sord), wrinkle (rin-kel) dan wrestle (res-sel).

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Ketika kata bahasa Inggris diakhiri dengan e, aturan ejaan menyarankan bahwa vokal sebelum harus memanjang, sehingga i mengambil suara ai, seperti di dine, fine dan mine. Hal ini menyebabkan kesalahan pengucapan kata-kata yang mirip seperti vehicle. Namun, aturan tidak berlaku di sini, dan vehicle diucapkan dengan benar vee-hik-el.

Hal yang sama berlaku untuk determine (dee-ter-min) dan examine (ex-a-min).


Seperti huruf k, huruf t sering kali diam dalam bahasa Inggris, terutama jika terletak di tengah kata. Oleh karena itu, castle sebenarnya diucapkan cas-sel.

Aturan yang sama berlaku untuk listen (lis-sen), fasten (fas-sen) dan whistle (wis-sel).


Kata ini sering muncul dalam percakapan bahasa Inggris di Indonesia karena signifikansinya terhadap budaya. Sayangnya, itu juga salah satu kata bahasa Inggris yang paling salah diucapkan karena digraf ue membingungkan, mendorong banyak orang untuk mengatakan mosk-you.

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Tapi ue sebenarnya diam dan pengucapan yang tepat untuk mosque itu pendek dan sederhana: mosk.

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Saturday 13 November 2021

Perbedaan antara bahasa Inggris British dan Amerika

 smanforlearn - Bahasa inggris sering digunakan sebagai bahasa international. Tapi pernahkah kalian berfikir kalian itu memakai bahasa inggris dengan aksen apa? Karena seperti yang kita ketahui ada dua jenis aksen yang sering dipakai dalam bahasa inggris. Pertama aksen british dan kedua, aksen Amerika. Berikut ini perbedaan antara bahasa inggris british dan amerika :

Perbedaan Bahasa Inggris dan British dan Amerika


Inggris benar-benar memperkenalkan bahasa ke Amerika ketika mereka mencapai tanah ini melalui laut antara abad ke-16 dan ke-17. Saat itu, ejaan belum dibakukan. Dibutuhkan penulisan kamus pertama untuk menentukan bagaimana kata-kata ini muncul. Di Inggris, kamus ini disusun oleh para sarjana yang berbasis di London. Sementara itu, di Amerika Serikat, leksikografernya adalah seorang pria bernama Noah Webster. Diduga, dia mengubah bagaimana kata-kata dieja untuk membuat versi Amerika berbeda dari Inggris sebagai cara untuk menunjukkan kemerdekaan budaya dari negara induknya.

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Dari segi ucapan, perbedaan antara bahasa Inggris Amerika dan Inggris sebenarnya terjadi setelah pemukim pertama tiba di Amerika. Kelompok orang ini berbicara menggunakan apa yang disebut pidato rhotic, di mana bunyi kata 'r' diucapkan. Sementara itu, kelas atas di Inggris ingin membedakan cara mereka berbicara dari masyarakat umum dengan melembutkan pengucapan mereka dari suara 'r'. Karena kaum elit bahkan saat itu dianggap standar untuk menjadi modis, orang lain mulai menyalin pidato mereka, hingga akhirnya menjadi cara berbicara yang umum di Inggris selatan.

Perbedaan ejaan

Bahasa Inggris British dan Amerika memiliki beberapa perbedaan ejaan. Yang umum disajikan dalam tabel di bawah ini.

British English American English
-oe-/-ae- (Contohnya: anaemia, diarrhoea, encyclopaedia) -e- (Contohnya: anemia, diarrhea, encyclopedia)
-t (Contohnya: burnt, dreamt, leapt) -ed (Contohnya: burned, dreamed, leaped)
-ence (Contohnya: defence, offence, licence) -ense (Contohnya: defense, offense, license)
-ell- (Contohnya: cancelled, jeweller, marvellous) -el- (Contohnya: canceled, jeweler, marvelous)
-ise (Contohnya: appetiser, familiarise, organise) -ize (Contohnya: appetizer, familiarize, organize)
-l- (Contohnya: enrol, fulfil, skilful) -ll- (Contohnya: enroll, fulfill, skillfull)
-ogue (Contohnya: analogue, monologue, catalogue) -og (Contohnya: analog, monolog, catalog)
-ou (Contohnya: colour, behaviour, mould) -o (Contohnya: color, behavior, mold)
-re (Contohnya: metre, fibre, centre) -er (Contohnya: meter, fiber, center)
-y- (Contohnya: tyre) -i- (Contohnya: tire)
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Perbedaan kosakata

Orang Amerika dan Inggris juga memiliki beberapa kata yang berbeda satu sama lain. Tabel di bawah ini mencantumkan beberapa benda sehari-hari yang memiliki nama berbeda, tergantung pada bentuk bahasa Inggris yang Anda gunakan.

British English American English
trousers pants
flat apartment
bonnet (the front of the car) hood
boot (the back of the car) trunk
lorry truck
university college
holiday vacation
jumper sweater
crisps chips
chips French fries
trainers sneakers
fizzy drink soda
postbox mailbox
biscuit cookie
chemist drugstore
shop store
football soccer

Perbedaan tata bahasa

Selain ejaan dan kosa kata, ada perbedaan tata bahasa tertentu antara bahasa Inggris British dan Amerika. Misalnya, dalam bahasa Inggris Amerika, kata benda kolektif dianggap tunggal (mis. Band sedang bermain). Sebaliknya, kata benda kolektif dapat berupa tunggal atau jamak dalam bahasa Inggris British, meskipun bentuk jamak paling sering digunakan (misalnya band sedang bermain).

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Orang Inggris juga lebih cenderung menggunakan pidato formal, seperti 'harus', sedangkan orang Amerika lebih suka 'kehendak' atau 'harus' yang lebih informal.

Orang Amerika, bagaimanapun, terus menggunakan 'mendapatkan' sebagai bentuk lampau dari 'mendapatkan', yang telah lama ditinggalkan oleh Inggris demi 'mendapatkan'.

'Needn't', yang umumnya digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris British, jarang, jika sama sekali digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris Amerika. Sebagai gantinya adalah 'tidak perlu'.

Dalam bahasa Inggris British, 'at' adalah kata depan dalam kaitannya dengan waktu dan tempat. Namun, dalam bahasa Inggris Amerika, 'on' digunakan sebagai pengganti yang pertama dan 'in' untuk yang terakhir.


Meskipun mungkin ada perbedaan tertentu antara bahasa Inggris Inggris dan Amerika, kuncinya adalah bahwa keduanya memiliki lebih banyak kesamaan. Secara tidak sengaja menggunakan salah satu daripada yang lain tidak akan secara otomatis menyebabkan miskomunikasi. Orang Amerika dan Inggris biasanya dapat berkomunikasi satu sama lain tanpa terlalu banyak kesulitan, jadi jangan terlalu keras pada diri sendiri jika Anda tidak dapat menghafal nuansa kedua bahasa.

Monday 12 April 2021

To Hell with the Dogma of Society: Quarter Life Crisis

To Hell with the Dogma of Society - There will be a time when you, who were a small child with a myriad of dreams, will become someone who feels that you are nothing.

You feel that you are not as great as your friends.

You feel like you can't do anything.

You feel the weakest in your circle of life.

You feel that you are a burden on the family.

You feel that you don't have a future.

So that you follow people's words to do this, for your future. Even though you are not at all happy doing it. Lo do it forced and without heart.

Conditions where you feel directionless, worried, confused, and upset about the uncertainty of life in the future are things that will be experienced by everyone.

Choice Begins

What you are like in the future is what you are doing in the present. So instead of you feeling sorry for yourself and feeling yourself weak.

You better do what you can do today. Trust me the same as the process. If I can give an illustration, the process is like an ice cube at 0 degrees Celsius. If we raise our temperature a little, it won't have any effect on the ice cubes.

But when we immediately raise it to a high temperature, surely the ice cubes melt in an instant. So the point is, sometimes we can't see the process from a short time. But if we look at ourselves a year or two ago (for a long time), we can see our progress.

That is what is meant, your future self is what you are doing in the present. So just focus on what you can do now. And just do what you like while living it and don't listen to what other people say.

To hell with the dogma of society

Because your success doesn't come from other people's words. Your success comes from what you do. So just to hell with the public's dogma that can bring you down.

"Don't just be a product of society's dogma"

Dare to take steps that you are happy with when running it. Dare to be yourself. And dare to be who you are when you are a child who is full of dreams.

"It's better to be happy, than to be sued and end up pursuing something that makes us unhappy ourselves"

Wednesday 7 April 2021

What is the Quarter Life Crisis?

quarter life crisis - Quarter Life Crisis is a condition of feeling worried, directionless, confused and confused about the uncertainty of the future that usually occurs in people aged 18-30 years.

Usually, problems from a quarter life crisis can be in the form of career, relationship, romance, and social life problems. Someone who is in this phase will usually think that he is a family burden or feels that he is useless.

Causes of the Quarter Life Crisis

Quarter life crisis is mostly caused by problems (elderly adults) that are emerging for the first time in young adults. Here are some of the causes of the quarter life crisis, including:

  • Living an Independent Life for the First Time
  • Seeing Friends Who Have Achieved Their Dreams First
  • Experiencing a Long Break in Love
  • Experiencing Job Problems
  • Make Long-Term Decisions

Signs of a Quarter Life Crisis

After we know the cause of the quarter life crisis, Smanforlearn will share the signs of the quarter life crisis. Here are some of the characteristics of the Quarter Life Criris, including:

  • Fear of feeling left behind by others
  • Lack of motivation to pursue life goals
  • Feeling jealous of friends
  • Feeling confused about his own future
  • Feels stuck in an unwelcome situation
  • Often have difficulty making decisions
  • How to deal with the Quarter Life Crisis
  • The Quarter Life Crisis itself is something that can be said to be reasonable. 

However, if we don't want to get out of this phase or get stuck in this phase continuously.

This of course can be a boomerang for us and will make it difficult for us to be happy and achieve our life goals or goals.

Therefore, we must be wise in dealing with the problem of the quarter life crisis or what is often referred to as the quarter century crisis. Following this, Smanforlearn has shared ways to deal with this quarter life crisis, some of which are:

Stop comparing yourself to others Learn to love yourself Find people who can support you Turn your doubts into action In essence, a quarter life crisis is not a mental illness, but a phase in the life of someone who is worried about the future and so on.

Even though the quarter life crisis is called a phase, we must also eliminate it and it cannot disappear by itself. So one of the best ways to get rid of it is to try to solve it.

Maybe that's the discussion about the quarter life crisis. I hope the article about what is a quarter life crisis, the cause of a quarter life crisis, the characteristics of a quarter life crisis and how to deal with a quarter life crisis, can help you through this phase.

Don't forget to share this article and help your friends face this phase. You can also watch the discussion in the form of a video on youtube smanforlearn and you can also listen to the PUWR podcast, which is already available on Apple Podcast, Spotify and various other podcast platforms.

If you want to collaborate or advertise on smanforlearn, you can contact us via email at

Sunday 4 April 2021

How To Get Rich (Not Clickbait)

Bill Gates Become Rich - Before I tell you, how do you get rich? I want to tell a story about a young man who lives alone on a small island.

Since he's on the island living alone, he can't help but find his own food to survive. Initially he was in the forest to look for edible animals, but because the island is quite small.

He found no edible animals. So like it or not he has to catch fish. This young man went straight to the water to catch fish.

But this young man caught fish just for use. So that the maximum fish that can be obtained by this young man is only one per day. Even though there is only one fish, this young man still consumes enough fish all day.

And this is what this young man did every day. That is to catch a maximum of only one fish a day.

Youth Start Thinking

Once upon a time this young man had a desire to get at least two fish a day. Because when he gets old, the young man has difficulty catching the two bodies constantly.

Therefore, the young man plans to make a spear from wood that is sharpened or what is often called a sharp bamboo. The young man also had the theme of looking for bamboo and sharpening it. However, that young man took an entire day to make.

In other words, he had to pay for himself by not eating all day. Even so, he was still enthusiastic about the sharp bamboo he made. Because he believes that this bamboo can get more fish.

And of course, of course. With this sharp bamboo, he can produce at least 2 fish per day. So that he can save fish for another day and also he can give him time to catch fish.

And divert it to other activities that are more productive. Well, here we can take a lesson. If when we want to get something more, like it or not we also have to sacrifice or strive for more.

The same is the case with youths who do not eat all day, in order to make tools that can produce more fish.

Author's Conclusion

From this story, we can draw conclusions about getting rich. The first is that we must have capital or assets.

Now, capital or assets here are not only in the form of money. But the abilities or skills that we have are capital and assets too. So that we can make savings for our future.

So if we continue to the story of the young man. Asset or Capital is the same as Bamboo Sharp and Fish is the same as Savings.

If you want to be rich, you have to be able to connect to your life story and care what assets / capital and what our savings are. And you also have to remember, if you have to sacrifice or fight more to get savings in the future.

Hopefully this article was useful and thank you also for those who have read this article. If you need video or audio explanations, you can visit YouTube and our podcasts. Thank you!

If you want to collaborate or advertise with smanforlearn, you can contact us via email at

Saturday 3 April 2021

7 Financial Stages You Should Know Before Age 30

Finance - Finance has the meaning of finance, while the term is from the point of view of financial science. Finance is a discussion that studies financial conditions, both personally, in organizational groups and businesses.

This knowledge of finance, we should learn in schools. Both elementary school (SD), junior high school (SMP) or senior high school (SMA). Because with this lesson, it is hoped that Indonesia, especially itself, can be more financially literate.

Because of this financial science, for smanforlearn is very important. On this website, smanforlearn will discuss about finance. And now smanforlearn will discuss several stages of finance.

Maybe some Smanforlearn readers still don't know about the 7 financial stages. Take it easy, smanforlearn has summarized it into 7 Financial Stages You Should Know Before You Turn 30 Years Old.

1. Dependent Stage

At this dependent stage, your financial condition is still zero. You still have no income and the cost of your life is still borne by other people (parents, guardians).

When you are at this stage, you better seek as much knowledge as possible. So that you can work / do business and start making money. Then you can support yourself.

2. Independent Stage

The independent stage is the second financial stage. At this stage you don't need other people to meet your financial needs. Because you can make money yourself, but you still can't save money to save.

When you are entering this independent stage, you better save as much as possible. And try to invest your money in things that can increase your skills. Or buy things that can be additional income.

3. Stable Stage

The stable stage is the third financial stage, at this stage you don't need other people and your income can also be saved. You also already have a comfortable workplace, your salary has met and your salary can be saved. However, you still have some obligations to pay (debt).

4. Autonomous Stage

The autonomous stage is the stage where you are able to support yourself and have enough savings to support for months (even though you are laid off). And at this stage, you also have no obligation to pay off debts.

5. Safe Stage

The safe stage is the stage when your financial condition is able to support yourself, the investment money (passive income) can cover your daily expenses, the business also doesn't need to be watched anymore and if you want to retire, just take it easy. Even at this stage, investment money is still not able to buy luxury goods.

6. Free Financial Stage

The financial free stage is a stage that is almost the same as the safe stage. However, the only difference is in the investment money. If in the safe stage you still can't buy luxury goods, while in the financial free stage you can buy luxury goods with passive income.

7. Rich Kingdom Stage

The wealthy stage is a financial stage that can only be reached by a select few. Usually people who have succeeded are still at this financial stage, their names have entered the list of the richest people in Indonesia or maybe the world.

Those are 7 Financial Stages that You Should Know Before the Age of 30 Years. Hopefully this article that smanforlearn can be useful for anyone who reads it.

Bill Gates Top 5 Rules of Life

Bill Gates - Bill Gates is the founder of a company called Microsoft, apart from being an entrepreneur, it turns out that Bill Gates also likes to write books and is also known as an American investor and philanthropist.

Bill Gates is also one of the richest people in the world and has brought many changes to the world. Especially the world of information and technology.

But behind his success, Bill Gates has experienced many life tests. One of them is when Bill Gates and some of his friends lost tens of millions, this happened when they tried to create a traffic statistics business. However, thanks to these failures, they managed to create the largest company called Microsoft.

In the course of his life, Bill Gates, it turns out that he has several rules that he sticks to at all times. And here, smanforlearn will share some of the rules of life that Bill Gates has held in his life. Here are the 5 Best Life Rules from Bill Gates that you can learn and imitate in your life.

1. Don't Procrastinate

The habit of procrastinating a job or what is often called procrastination is a bad habit. Because procrastination has many negative effects, so you have to get rid of this habit of procrastination.

2. Work Hard

Success will happen when we are willing to work hard and don't be lazy. Because when we don't work hard, success will automatically be difficult to achieve.

Even so, we should not only work hard, but also have to work smart and pray. So that the success that you want to achieve can be achieved.

3. Enjoy What You Do

Most of us, when we are doing our job, feel bad. So that we feel depressed and even complain about the situation.

Smanforlearn's advice is if you don't like doing a job, then just leave it. Instead of being depressed and stressed, if, for example, you already have dependents (like there is a family to support), you should be able to enjoy each of your work and change the atmosphere of feeling depressed into a relaxed atmosphere for you.

4. Ask for Advice

Asking other people for one or two suggestions is very important to Bill Gates. Because we get advice from other people, it can make us better people.

So if there are people who give advice or advice to you. Accept and Understand or Meditate on the advice. The point is we shouldn't be arrogant people who don't want to accept suggestions and input from others.

5. Have Sense of Humor

One of the consequences of stress and depression is when we don't have a sense of humor. Because when we have a sense of humor, this will help reduce stress from us and also increase positive changes in ourselves and maybe also in those around us.

Those are the 5 Best Rules of Life Bill Gates that you can learn and imitate, of course. Hopefully the article from smanforlearn can be useful for readers. Thank you.

Wednesday 31 March 2021

5 Best Life Rules According to Dwayne Johnson

The Rock - Dwayne Johnson or who has the ring name as "The Rock" is a Canadian-American actor. Apart from being an actor, Dwayne Johnson is also known as a retired wrestler, businessman, producer and established Canadian American football player.

The Rock even became one of the highest paid actors. But behind that success, it turns out that the rock has also experienced various life tests. One of his most famous stories is the Seven Buck Moment.

So Dwayne Johnson was in a state, when the money in his pocket amounted to seven buck. Even though at that age, his friends could already make millions, some even up to tens of millions. However, at that time he became unemployed and watched TV and didn't do anything.

Although The Rock used to have a lot of sad stories. But he still has some rules of life that he probably still holds today. And here, I will share the 5 best rules of life according to The Rock a.k.a Dwayne Johnson.

1. Remember The Hard Times

When we think of difficult events that happened to us in the past and that can be used as a motivation. This is very good for ourselves.

2. Just Be You

No matter how difficult your condition is at the moment, remember to be who you are. Vice versa, when you are at the top, remember to be who you are.

Don't pretend to be someone else for any reason, especially when the reason is prestige. Because if you pretend to be someone else, over time you will feel stressed and depressed. Of course it's not good for your mental health later.

3. Make an Impact

In life, we shouldn't just be selfish. However, we must also be able to make and have a positive impact on life, whether it be on the people around us or the natural environment around us.

4. Don't Give Up

When you feel down or are weak, never give up. Because giving up is the real failure. So when you are in a bad condition, try to stay calm and think of a solution to your problem.

5. Overcome Adversity

When you are faced with a problem, the best way to get rid of the problem is to find a solution and deal with the problem. Don't even let or run away from the problem.

Because the problem won't go away on its own and you will find it difficult later. So when you are expected to have a difficult problem, the best way to solve it is to learn so that you have the knowledge to solve the problem.

Those are the 5 Best Life Rules According to Dwayne Johnson that you can learn or imitate. Hopefully the article that I made is useful and can help you in developing yourself. Thank you.

Sunday 28 March 2021

5 Best Life Rules According to Mark Zuckerberg


Mark Zuckerberg - Mark Zuckerberg is the founder of a social media company called Facebook. Apart from being an internet entrepreneur with his friends, Mark is also known as a very reliable programmer.

As we know, where there is success, there must be failure in the past. Mark Zuckerberg was not someone who was born successful right away. At first, he was just a student majoring in computers who created a program for fun.

Mark Zuckerberg was even criticized by his former campus in Harvard. For hacking into the school system and stealing data from students. Then he copied it to his site which used to be called facemash. Although Mark Zuckerberg has been criticized and talked about by others.

She is not discouraged and still wants to achieve her goal of connecting people from all over the world. And it is evident in the present, even though Mark Zuckerberg is color blind. However, he did not complain and remained enthusiastic about reaching his goal.

While undergoing this process of success, it turned out that Mark Zuckerberg had several rules of life that he still adheres to today. Here are 5 Rules of Life according to Mark Zuckerberg that you can learn and imitate.

1. Make Mistakes

Make mistakes and don't be afraid when we make mistakes. Because mistakes are normal and can even be used as a lesson. What isn't normal is when we make mistakes, but we can't learn from them.

And what you have to be afraid of is when you never make mistakes but instead you don't develop. Because it is still in the comfort zone or safe zone which causes it to get stuck in the zone.

2. Learn from People Around

Learn from the people around you. Don't be an arrogant and arrogant person, so you don't want to learn from those around us who give advice. Because if you can't learn from good people who give you advice, later your knowledge won't increase.

Vice versa, when we can learn from the people around us. We will grow faster and towards success. So you can learn from anywhere, one of which is learning from people around you.

3. Care the most about it

Mark Zuckerberg is known as an influential person in the world. That's because he helps people a lot. So Mark Zuckerberg has always had a rule that we have to be people who care about others.

4. Make a Change in The World

If Mark Zuckerberg said, if you have a dream. Make a dream that is half-hearted or make a dream or goal that can change the world for the better and better.

Like Facebook, which can change the interaction of people from all over the world. And can connect one person to another in different countries. In fact, it is reported that Mark Zuckerberg is still developing a free internet, even though it is not actually free, but Mark's goal is to help disadvantaged villages of the internet become connected to the internet.

5. Your Get What You Spend Your Time Doing

Mark Zuckerberg once said "You get what you do". What it means is what we become in the future, it depends on what we do now. If you are lazy, it will be difficult in the future to be a successful person and vice versa. So use your time as much as possible.

Those are the 5 Rules of Life according to Mark Zuckerberg that you can learn and imitate. Hopefully this article that is very useful for those of you who are developing yourself to be better. Thank you for reading!


Mark Zuckerberg, 5 Best Rules According to Mark Zuckerberg, Rules, Mark, Zuckerberg, 5 Best Life Rules, Make Change The World, Spend Your Time Doing, Top 5 Rule by Mark Zuckerberg, 5 Aturan Hidup Terbaik, Mark Zuckerberg Rules.

Source: smanforlearn media.

Thursday 27 August 2020

Contoh-contoh dari Simple Present Tense yang Lengkap - smanforlearn

Simple Present - Penjelasan Simple Present Tense sudah kita bahas diartikel sebelumnya dan sekarang kita masuk ke contoh-contoh dari simple present tense.

Kita tau kalo simple present tense ada kalimat positif, negatif dan introgatif. Disamping itu juga ada verbal dan non-verbal. Nah, kita akan membahas atau lebih tepatnya membagikan untuk memberitahu bagaimana penerapan dari rumus-rumus simple present tense.

Sebelumnya buat kamu yang belum baca atau kelewatan materi pelajaran bahasa inggris dari smanforlearn. Kamu bisa nih lihat [Di sini] atau kamu bisa mengikuti smanforlearn dengan cara klik tombol email yang melayang tersebut.

1. Kalimat Positif


I fix a Car | He fixes a car

I play the playstation | She plays the playstation

I buy a gado-gado | She buys gado-gado

You catch a mouse | It catches a mouse

We study in library | She studies in library

I read one book every week | He reads one book every week

You go to Indomart at 9 a.m. | Anita goes to Indomart at 9 a.m.

This magazine tells me how to be discipline

My dog likes to play after eating

He runs a verry successful business

Penjelasan tentang simple present tense [Ada Disini].


He is handsome | I am strong

They are nice and beautiful

I am excited about the trip.

My sisters are very helpful.

We are interested in the history of this ancient city.

She is very patient and intelligent.

It is amazing.

My parents are at home.

You are out of control.

This kitten is on a green table.

Penjelasan tentang simple present tense [Ada Disini].

2. Kalimat Negatif


I do not read a novel this month.

She does not enjoy the crowd in that market.

You don’t tell a bad experience before sleeping.

Harry doesn’t read a newspaper in his office.

This magazine does not tell me how to get a girlfriend.

They don’t go to the beach on Monday.

My dog doesn’t like to sleep after eating.

They do not enjoy a big wave.

Vira doesn’t go to Kusamba Market in the afternoon.

The cat doesn't eat fish.

Penjelasan tentang simple present tense [Ada Disini].


I am not excited about this story.

He isn’t curious about my dream.

You aren’t eager to learn Science.

I‘m not with a kind person.

She is not lazy and ambitious.

My neighbors aren’t supportive people.

We aren’t a bad team.

Budi is not good at speaking Chinese.

It isn’t amazing, but still acceptable.

They are not amateur travelers.

Penjelasan tentang simple present tense [Ada Disini].

3. Kalimat Introgative/Pertanyaan



Does your dog like to sleep after eating?

Does this magazine tell you how to be creative?

Does Riczky read a newspaper before working?

Does she enjoy the crowd in that market?

Does Vira go to Kusamba Market at 5 a.m.?

Do I read one book every month?

Do you tell a fairy tale before sleeping?

Do we like to swim at the beach?

Do they go to the beach on weekend?

Do they enjoy a big wave?

Penjelasan tentang simple present tense [Ada Disini].


Why does your dog like to sleep after eating?

Why does this magazine tell you how to be creative?

Why does Riczky read a newspaper before working?

Why does she enjoy the crowd in that market?

Why does Vira go to Kusamba Market at 5 a.m.?

Where do I read one book every month?

Why do you tell a fairy tale before sleeping?

Why do we like to swim at the beach?

Why do they go to the beach on weekend?

Where do they enjoy a big wave?

Penjelasan tentang simple present tense [Ada Disini].



Is this her cat?

Is it your sister’s bag?

Are you the winners?

Am I the first child in my family?

Are they professional travellers?

Is he inside my house?

Are your parents at home?

Is she still in the dangerous forest?

Are they in Indonesia?

Am I excited about this story?

Penjelasan tentang simple present tense [Ada Disini].


Why is he inside my house?

Where are they?

Where is she in the morning?

Why is she still in the dangerous forest?

Who are you?

Why is he sad while eating?

Penjelasan tentang simple present tense [Ada Disini].

Itulah contoh dari kalimat positif, negatif dan introgatif pada simple present tense. Buat kamu yang belum paham kamu bisa baca artikel penjelasan dari simple present tense [Disini].

Jangan lupa baca artikel dari smanforlearn yang lainnya seputar bahasa inggris dan juga kalo kalian punya bisnis dan mau bekerja sama dilahkan hubungi kami di

Saturday 22 August 2020

Mengenal Simple Present Tense Secara Lengkap - smanforlearn

Simple Present - Simple Present Tense adalah Tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan, fakta, dan kejadian yang terjadi pada saat sekarang ini.

Simple Present Tense ini memiliki rumus sebagai berikut.

Rumus: S + Verb 1

Yaitu Subjek ditambah kata kerja bentuk pertama (Verb 1). Kecuali subjeknya untuk kata ganti orang ke 3 (ketiga) yaitu She/He/It maka rumusnya akan berubah menjadi :

Rumus: S + Verb 1 + s/es/ies

Yaitu ketika subjek kata ganti orang ketiga maka kata kerja bentuk dasarnya menjadi berubah seperti ini.

1. Kata kerja akhiran -O, -CH, -SH, -X, -Z berubah menjadi -ES


go = goes, box = boxes, fix = fixes, catch = catches, wash = washes.

2. Kata kerja akhiran konsonan + Y berubah menjadi huruf Y Hilang + -IES


marry = marries, carry = carries, worry = worries, study = studies.

3. Kata kerja akhiran vokal + Y berubah menjadi huruf Y + -S


play = plays, say = says, enjoy = enjoys, way = ways.

Penerapan Rumus:

1. Rumus Pertama.

-I go to school

-I study in school

-I play the game

2. Rumus kedua.

-He goes to school

-She studies in school

-He plays the game

Macam-macam Kalimat Simple Present Tense

1. Kalimat Affirmative (Simple Present Tense)

Kalimat Affirmative adalah suatu kalimat yang menyampaikan suatu kejadian tertentu.

-Verbal (Menggunakan Kata Kerja)

Subject Verb Component













Verb1 + s/es/ies

Contoh : I fix a Car - He fixes a car

-Nominal (Tidak Menggunakan Kata Kerja)

Subject Verb(to be) Component















Contoh : He is handsome - I am strong

2. Kalimat Negative (Simple Present Tense)

Kalimat Negative adalah suatu kalimat yang menyatakan ungkapan negatif terhadap suatu kejadian tertentu.

-Verbal (Menggunakan Kata Kerja)

Subject Auxiliary + not Verb Component





do not/


Verb 1








does not/


Verb 1

Contoh : I don't fix a Car - He doesn't fix a car

-Nominal (Tidak Menggunakan Kata Kerja)

Subject Auxiliary + not Component


am not/

i'm not








are not/





is not/


Contoh : He is not handsome - I am not strong

3. Kalimat Introgative (Simple Present Tense)

Kalimat Introgative adalah suatu kalimat yang menanyakan suatu kejadian tertentu.

-Verbal (Menggunakan Kata Kerja)

   1. Pertanyaan "Ya/Tidak"

Yaitu untuk pertanyaan yang jawabannya hanya ya atau tidak maka cukup pakai do/does di awal kalimatnya.

Do/Does Subject Verb Complement Question Mark






Verb 1










Verb 1

Contoh : Do you go to school? - Does he go to school

   2. Pertanyaan "Kenapa/Bagaimana"

Yaitu pertanyaan yang menggunakan kata Why, What, Where, When, Who, How maka hanya tambahkan do/does di belakang kata tersebut

W/H Do/does Subject Verb 1 Complement Question Mark







Verb 1











Verb 1

Contoh : Where do you go? - Why does he go?

-Nominal (Tidak Menggunakan Kata Kerja)

   1. Pertanyaan "Ya/Tidak"

Yaitu untuk pertanyaan yang jawabannya hanya ya atau tidak maka cukup pakai am/are/is di awal kalimatnya.

Auxiliary Subject Complement Question Mark
















Contoh : Am i handsome? - is she beautiful

   2. Pertanyaan "Kenapa/Bagaimana"

Yaitu pertanyaan yang menggunakan kata Why, What, Where, When, Who, How maka hanya tambahkan am/are/is di belakang kata tersebut

W/H Auxiliary Subject Question Mark















Contoh : Where are you? - Why is he go?

Untuk melihat contoh dari simple present tense lebih banyak dari smanforlearn, kamu bisa klik dibawah ini.

  -Contoh Kalimat Affirmative

  -Contoh Kalimat Negative

  -Contoh Kalimat Introgative

Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat, kamu juga bisa loh latihan soal tentang simple present tense di smanforlearn. Kamu tinggal klik tombol dibawah ini aja dan kami juga sudah memberikan pembahasannya pada tombol dibawah ini.

Kamu juga bisa mengunduh bahan ajar tentang simple present tense ini di tombol dibawah. Manfaat dari bahan ajar ini adalah isinya lebih lengkap dan offline, jadi kamu bisa belajar dengan offline deh.

Saturday 15 August 2020

Rekomendasi 5 Novel Bahasa Inggris untuk Belajar Inggris - Smanforlearn - Novel adalah tempat yang tepat untuk melatih skill bahasa inggris kamu. Yap, dengan membaca novel kamu akan mendapatkan kosa kata baru. Tapi kamu juga harus bisa memilih novel yang tepat, karena kalo kamu pilih novel yang kurang tepat kamu akan kesulitan. Ya, sebagai contoh kamu misalkan membaca buku novel jaman sekarang yang ada bahasa gaulnya.

Nah, tentunya kamu pasti akan kesulitan untuk mencari artinya. Jadi gue saranin lo baca buku novel yang tepat. "Tapi kak apa aja novel yang tepat buat aku?". Nah bagus, karena kamu bertanya maka akan dijawab di artikel ini. Ya gue akan membagikan 5 Novel Bahasa Inggris yang cocok buat lo yang lagi belajar bahasa inggris.

Tapi sebelumnya boleh dong, buat lo yang belum ikuti blog ini untuk mengikuti terlebih dahulu. Caranya gampang, kamu lihatkan ada tombol email di pojok kiri bawah. Tinggal klik aja dan masukan emailnya. Tapi pastikan kamu udah login ke akun tersebut untuk mempermudah kamu. Terima kasih, yuk lanjut.

1. Harry Potter Series - J.K. Rowling

HarryPotter Image

Siapa yang gak kenal Harry Potter? Jadi, harry potter adalah novel yang berceritakan tentang dunia sihir. Buku ini rekomen banget buat kamu yang lagi belajar bahasa inggris. Karena banyak juga orang yang lagi belajar bahasa inggris membaca novel ini untuk latihan.

2. Twilight Series - Stephanie Mayer

Twilight Image

Twilight Saga adalah novel yang menceritakan tentang vampir. Ya Novel ini sangat cocok dibaca juga buat kamu yang lagi belajar bahasa inggris.

3. The Perk of Being a Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky

The Perks Image

Kalo kamu seorang mahasiswa, maka membaca novel ini adalah hal yang cocok. Karena novel ini menceritakan tentang mahasiswa penyendiri yang bertemu seniornya dan teman yang lain.

4. The Girl on The Train - Paula Hawkins

The Girl Image

Kalo novel yang satu ini sulit untuk dijelaskan karena nanti terlalu panjang. Jadi baca aja deh, seru kok bercerita tentang masalah kehidupan seperti biasa.

5. Looking for Alaska - John Green

Alaska Image

Bercerita tentang tokoh utama yang menyesuaikan dirinya dikehidupan baru. Ini juga rekomendasi banget buat kamu baca.

Itulah 5 Novel Bahasa Inggris untuk kamu yang lagi belajar bahasa inggris dari, BTW jangan lupa share ke teman kamu dengan cara klik tombol social media dibawah. Dan Baca juga artikel : Kenapa Kamu Harus Belajar Bahasa Inggris.

Dukung kami terus dengan berbelanja di ReduX Store, dapatkan barang-barang elektronik kamu seperti Camera, Mouse, Keyboard dan Lainnya [disini]. Stay calm dan terima kasih.

Saturday 8 August 2020

Ini 5 Slang atau Bahasa Gaul dalam Bahasa Inggris - Smanforlearn (Part 1)


BigSmoke Image - Slangs atau bahasa gaul adalah bahasa yang sering dipakai oleh kalangan remaja atau anak muda. Bahasa gaul ini tidak benar-benar ada di kamus akan tetapi ini berasal dari pembicaraan orang-orang atau lebih tepatnya pembicaraan anak-anak muda.

Jadi slangs ini akan muncul kapan pun dan dimana pun. Intinya dia mengikuti perkembangan jaman sih. Nah, smanforlearn kali ini akan membagikan 5 Slangs atau Bahasa gaul dalam bahasa inggris yang biasa digunakan oleh remaja.

Tapi sebelumnya, buat kamu yang lagi baca artikel ini. Jangan lupa buat support website kami dengan membeli beberapa produk dari toko kami ReduX Store. Kalian bisa cek tokonya [Disini Bro] dan itu link ke toko di tokopedia. Tapi kalo kamu gak punya tokopedia, kamu bisa cek Instagram kami di @smanforlearn. Kamu bisa lihat informasinya disana.

1. Lowkey

Lowkey kalo diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa indonesia artinya itu "diam-diam" atau "sedikit". Maksud dari kata lowkey ini sendiri biasa digunakan ketika orang sedang membicarakan sesuatu tapi kamu gak mau itu diketahui banyak orang atau gak mau menarik perhatian.

2. Stan

Jujur, admin sendiri tau kata "stan" ini dari lagunya eminem yang berjudul "killshot". Yap, stan ditujukan untuk seorang yang fans sama seseorang tapi terlalu berlebihan. Nah, kata stan ini sendiri sebenarnya adalah gaungan antara kata "stalker" dan "fans".

3. Cringe

Kalo ini sih gue yakin lu udah tau, cringe adalah kata yang digunakan ketika kamu melihat sesuatu yang memalukan. Kata cringe ini sering dipakai oleh para youtuber jaman sekarang yang biasanya kalo lagu ngereaksi video lucu.

4. Savage

Sebenarnya kata savage gak ada kata terjemahan secara pastinya. Nah, biasanya kata savage ini menunjukan keadaan dimana seseorang "nekat" "berani" "jujur" ataupun "brutal" atas perbuatannya hehe.

5. Crush

Crush adalah bahasa gaul yang sering dipakai ketika kamu ternyata diam-diam menyukai seseorang. Cie cie hehe.

Itulah 5 Slangs atau bahasa gaul yang udah dirangkum oleh smanforlearn. Masih kurang? Tenang, kamu bisa liat part selanjutnya di label english. Tolong ikuti blog ini agar kamu bisa mendapatkan artikel seperti ini lagi dari smanforlearn.

Cara mengikutinya gampang, kamu tinggal isi emain kamu di bawah dan ya here we go. Kami telah mengikuti smanforlearn dan akan mendapatkan notifikasi terbaru dari kami. Mungkin itu aja dari kami, silahkan cek instagram kami di @smanforlearn. Terima Kasih.

Wednesday 5 August 2020

5 Alasan Kenapa Kamu Harus Mulai untuk Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Babang Eminem - Belajar bahasa inggris menjadi suatu hal yang harus kalian pelajari jika ingin mengembangkan diri kalian. Karena bahasa inggris sudah menjadi bahasa umum yang digunakan dan tentunya jika kamu bisa menggunakan bahasa ini, kamu akan mendapatkan nilai atau poin plus tersendiri.

Ada banyak alasan kenapa kamu harus belajar bahasa inggris. Tapi dibalik semua alasan itu, gue akan membagikan beberapa alasan dan yang udah gue rangkum menjadi 5, Berikut 5 Alasan Kenapa Kamu Harus Mulai untuk Belajar Bahasa Inggris. Beberapa diantaranya adalah :

1. Mendapat Pengetahuan secara Luas.

Mendapatkan pengetahuan secara luas sudah engga diragukan lagi. Yup karena kebanyakan buku-buku itu berbahasa inggris dan entah mengapa buku-buku bahasa inggris itu memiliki best seller sendiri. Mungkin karena di luar negeri mereka suka membaca buku kali ya?

Kalo kalian coba untuk mencari buku di indonesia. Itu jarang ada, mungkin karena indonesia masih kurang dalam membaca. Hmm.. Gue gatau juga sih. Intinya lo bisa dapet hal baru dari membaca buku dan apalagi kalo buku yang lo baca buku bahasa inggris. 

2. Dapat Menambah Teman Luar Negeri

Dapat menambah teman luar negeri dari bisa bahasa inggris, kenapa engga? Mau kamu pergi keinggrisnya langsung atau hanya aktif di social media seperti Discord misalkan. Disana kamu bisa berbicara dengan teman-teman kamu.

Punya teman luar negeri adalah suatu hal yang menurut gue keren sih haha. Karena main kamu sudah bisa dibilang juga haha.

3. Tidak Repot Jika ke Luar Negeri

Tidak repot saat kamu lagi pergi keluar negeri sudah pasti suatu alasan dari kenapa harus belajar bahasa inggris. Soalnya sudah di bilang kalo bahasa inggris itu adalah bahasa yang populer di dunia atau bahkan umum di dunia.

4. Prioritas dapat Beasiswa

Jika kamu sedang mencari beasiswa, hal yang gue sarankan adalah belajar bahasa inggris dan dapetin sertifikat bahasa inggrisnya. Itu sangat bagus buat kamu yang mau mendapatkan beasiswa karena di dalam seleksinya nanti kamu akan lebih di prioritaskan.

5. Jodoh Orang Luar Negeri Ada

Kalo ini impian beberapa orang haha. Mendapatkan jodoh orang dari luar negeri itu mantul banget, apalagi kalo jodoh kamu adalah orang korea atau jepang haha. Ya walaupun kita tau jodoh itu ditangan tuhan akan tetapi belajar bahasa inggris akan lebih mendekatkan kita pada jodoh kita. Iya gak sih? Koreksi jika salah.

Itulah beberapa alasan kenapa kamu harus untuk mulai belajar bahasa inggris. Sebenarnya ada beberapa alasan lain sih, tapi mungkin nanti saja diartikel selanjutnya kita bahas lagi. Silahkan klik tombol ikuti di bawah, agar kamu mendapatkan artikel tentang bahasa inggris lagi.

Segitu aja dari, jangan lupa untuk support kami dengan cara berbelanja kebutuhan sehari-hari kamu di TOKOPEDIA REDUX STORE. Akan ada diskon yang bisa kalian dapatkan di toko kami dan yang pastinya gratis ongkir.