Sunday 4 April 2021

How To Get Rich (Not Clickbait)

Bill Gates Become Rich - Before I tell you, how do you get rich? I want to tell a story about a young man who lives alone on a small island.

Since he's on the island living alone, he can't help but find his own food to survive. Initially he was in the forest to look for edible animals, but because the island is quite small.

He found no edible animals. So like it or not he has to catch fish. This young man went straight to the water to catch fish.

But this young man caught fish just for use. So that the maximum fish that can be obtained by this young man is only one per day. Even though there is only one fish, this young man still consumes enough fish all day.

And this is what this young man did every day. That is to catch a maximum of only one fish a day.

Youth Start Thinking

Once upon a time this young man had a desire to get at least two fish a day. Because when he gets old, the young man has difficulty catching the two bodies constantly.

Therefore, the young man plans to make a spear from wood that is sharpened or what is often called a sharp bamboo. The young man also had the theme of looking for bamboo and sharpening it. However, that young man took an entire day to make.

In other words, he had to pay for himself by not eating all day. Even so, he was still enthusiastic about the sharp bamboo he made. Because he believes that this bamboo can get more fish.

And of course, of course. With this sharp bamboo, he can produce at least 2 fish per day. So that he can save fish for another day and also he can give him time to catch fish.

And divert it to other activities that are more productive. Well, here we can take a lesson. If when we want to get something more, like it or not we also have to sacrifice or strive for more.

The same is the case with youths who do not eat all day, in order to make tools that can produce more fish.

Author's Conclusion

From this story, we can draw conclusions about getting rich. The first is that we must have capital or assets.

Now, capital or assets here are not only in the form of money. But the abilities or skills that we have are capital and assets too. So that we can make savings for our future.

So if we continue to the story of the young man. Asset or Capital is the same as Bamboo Sharp and Fish is the same as Savings.

If you want to be rich, you have to be able to connect to your life story and care what assets / capital and what our savings are. And you also have to remember, if you have to sacrifice or fight more to get savings in the future.

Hopefully this article was useful and thank you also for those who have read this article. If you need video or audio explanations, you can visit YouTube and our podcasts. Thank you!

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