Saturday 3 April 2021

7 Financial Stages You Should Know Before Age 30

Finance - Finance has the meaning of finance, while the term is from the point of view of financial science. Finance is a discussion that studies financial conditions, both personally, in organizational groups and businesses.

This knowledge of finance, we should learn in schools. Both elementary school (SD), junior high school (SMP) or senior high school (SMA). Because with this lesson, it is hoped that Indonesia, especially itself, can be more financially literate.

Because of this financial science, for smanforlearn is very important. On this website, smanforlearn will discuss about finance. And now smanforlearn will discuss several stages of finance.

Maybe some Smanforlearn readers still don't know about the 7 financial stages. Take it easy, smanforlearn has summarized it into 7 Financial Stages You Should Know Before You Turn 30 Years Old.

1. Dependent Stage

At this dependent stage, your financial condition is still zero. You still have no income and the cost of your life is still borne by other people (parents, guardians).

When you are at this stage, you better seek as much knowledge as possible. So that you can work / do business and start making money. Then you can support yourself.

2. Independent Stage

The independent stage is the second financial stage. At this stage you don't need other people to meet your financial needs. Because you can make money yourself, but you still can't save money to save.

When you are entering this independent stage, you better save as much as possible. And try to invest your money in things that can increase your skills. Or buy things that can be additional income.

3. Stable Stage

The stable stage is the third financial stage, at this stage you don't need other people and your income can also be saved. You also already have a comfortable workplace, your salary has met and your salary can be saved. However, you still have some obligations to pay (debt).

4. Autonomous Stage

The autonomous stage is the stage where you are able to support yourself and have enough savings to support for months (even though you are laid off). And at this stage, you also have no obligation to pay off debts.

5. Safe Stage

The safe stage is the stage when your financial condition is able to support yourself, the investment money (passive income) can cover your daily expenses, the business also doesn't need to be watched anymore and if you want to retire, just take it easy. Even at this stage, investment money is still not able to buy luxury goods.

6. Free Financial Stage

The financial free stage is a stage that is almost the same as the safe stage. However, the only difference is in the investment money. If in the safe stage you still can't buy luxury goods, while in the financial free stage you can buy luxury goods with passive income.

7. Rich Kingdom Stage

The wealthy stage is a financial stage that can only be reached by a select few. Usually people who have succeeded are still at this financial stage, their names have entered the list of the richest people in Indonesia or maybe the world.

Those are 7 Financial Stages that You Should Know Before the Age of 30 Years. Hopefully this article that smanforlearn can be useful for anyone who reads it.


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