Wednesday 31 March 2021

5 Best Life Rules According to Dwayne Johnson

The Rock - Dwayne Johnson or who has the ring name as "The Rock" is a Canadian-American actor. Apart from being an actor, Dwayne Johnson is also known as a retired wrestler, businessman, producer and established Canadian American football player.

The Rock even became one of the highest paid actors. But behind that success, it turns out that the rock has also experienced various life tests. One of his most famous stories is the Seven Buck Moment.

So Dwayne Johnson was in a state, when the money in his pocket amounted to seven buck. Even though at that age, his friends could already make millions, some even up to tens of millions. However, at that time he became unemployed and watched TV and didn't do anything.

Although The Rock used to have a lot of sad stories. But he still has some rules of life that he probably still holds today. And here, I will share the 5 best rules of life according to The Rock a.k.a Dwayne Johnson.

1. Remember The Hard Times

When we think of difficult events that happened to us in the past and that can be used as a motivation. This is very good for ourselves.

2. Just Be You

No matter how difficult your condition is at the moment, remember to be who you are. Vice versa, when you are at the top, remember to be who you are.

Don't pretend to be someone else for any reason, especially when the reason is prestige. Because if you pretend to be someone else, over time you will feel stressed and depressed. Of course it's not good for your mental health later.

3. Make an Impact

In life, we shouldn't just be selfish. However, we must also be able to make and have a positive impact on life, whether it be on the people around us or the natural environment around us.

4. Don't Give Up

When you feel down or are weak, never give up. Because giving up is the real failure. So when you are in a bad condition, try to stay calm and think of a solution to your problem.

5. Overcome Adversity

When you are faced with a problem, the best way to get rid of the problem is to find a solution and deal with the problem. Don't even let or run away from the problem.

Because the problem won't go away on its own and you will find it difficult later. So when you are expected to have a difficult problem, the best way to solve it is to learn so that you have the knowledge to solve the problem.

Those are the 5 Best Life Rules According to Dwayne Johnson that you can learn or imitate. Hopefully the article that I made is useful and can help you in developing yourself. Thank you.


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