Sunday 28 March 2021

5 Best Life Rules According to Mark Zuckerberg


Mark Zuckerberg - Mark Zuckerberg is the founder of a social media company called Facebook. Apart from being an internet entrepreneur with his friends, Mark is also known as a very reliable programmer.

As we know, where there is success, there must be failure in the past. Mark Zuckerberg was not someone who was born successful right away. At first, he was just a student majoring in computers who created a program for fun.

Mark Zuckerberg was even criticized by his former campus in Harvard. For hacking into the school system and stealing data from students. Then he copied it to his site which used to be called facemash. Although Mark Zuckerberg has been criticized and talked about by others.

She is not discouraged and still wants to achieve her goal of connecting people from all over the world. And it is evident in the present, even though Mark Zuckerberg is color blind. However, he did not complain and remained enthusiastic about reaching his goal.

While undergoing this process of success, it turned out that Mark Zuckerberg had several rules of life that he still adheres to today. Here are 5 Rules of Life according to Mark Zuckerberg that you can learn and imitate.

1. Make Mistakes

Make mistakes and don't be afraid when we make mistakes. Because mistakes are normal and can even be used as a lesson. What isn't normal is when we make mistakes, but we can't learn from them.

And what you have to be afraid of is when you never make mistakes but instead you don't develop. Because it is still in the comfort zone or safe zone which causes it to get stuck in the zone.

2. Learn from People Around

Learn from the people around you. Don't be an arrogant and arrogant person, so you don't want to learn from those around us who give advice. Because if you can't learn from good people who give you advice, later your knowledge won't increase.

Vice versa, when we can learn from the people around us. We will grow faster and towards success. So you can learn from anywhere, one of which is learning from people around you.

3. Care the most about it

Mark Zuckerberg is known as an influential person in the world. That's because he helps people a lot. So Mark Zuckerberg has always had a rule that we have to be people who care about others.

4. Make a Change in The World

If Mark Zuckerberg said, if you have a dream. Make a dream that is half-hearted or make a dream or goal that can change the world for the better and better.

Like Facebook, which can change the interaction of people from all over the world. And can connect one person to another in different countries. In fact, it is reported that Mark Zuckerberg is still developing a free internet, even though it is not actually free, but Mark's goal is to help disadvantaged villages of the internet become connected to the internet.

5. Your Get What You Spend Your Time Doing

Mark Zuckerberg once said "You get what you do". What it means is what we become in the future, it depends on what we do now. If you are lazy, it will be difficult in the future to be a successful person and vice versa. So use your time as much as possible.

Those are the 5 Rules of Life according to Mark Zuckerberg that you can learn and imitate. Hopefully this article that is very useful for those of you who are developing yourself to be better. Thank you for reading!


Mark Zuckerberg, 5 Best Rules According to Mark Zuckerberg, Rules, Mark, Zuckerberg, 5 Best Life Rules, Make Change The World, Spend Your Time Doing, Top 5 Rule by Mark Zuckerberg, 5 Aturan Hidup Terbaik, Mark Zuckerberg Rules.

Source: smanforlearn media.


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