Monday 12 April 2021

To Hell with the Dogma of Society: Quarter Life Crisis

To Hell with the Dogma of Society - There will be a time when you, who were a small child with a myriad of dreams, will become someone who feels that you are nothing.

You feel that you are not as great as your friends.

You feel like you can't do anything.

You feel the weakest in your circle of life.

You feel that you are a burden on the family.

You feel that you don't have a future.

So that you follow people's words to do this, for your future. Even though you are not at all happy doing it. Lo do it forced and without heart.

Conditions where you feel directionless, worried, confused, and upset about the uncertainty of life in the future are things that will be experienced by everyone.

Choice Begins

What you are like in the future is what you are doing in the present. So instead of you feeling sorry for yourself and feeling yourself weak.

You better do what you can do today. Trust me the same as the process. If I can give an illustration, the process is like an ice cube at 0 degrees Celsius. If we raise our temperature a little, it won't have any effect on the ice cubes.

But when we immediately raise it to a high temperature, surely the ice cubes melt in an instant. So the point is, sometimes we can't see the process from a short time. But if we look at ourselves a year or two ago (for a long time), we can see our progress.

That is what is meant, your future self is what you are doing in the present. So just focus on what you can do now. And just do what you like while living it and don't listen to what other people say.

To hell with the dogma of society

Because your success doesn't come from other people's words. Your success comes from what you do. So just to hell with the public's dogma that can bring you down.

"Don't just be a product of society's dogma"

Dare to take steps that you are happy with when running it. Dare to be yourself. And dare to be who you are when you are a child who is full of dreams.

"It's better to be happy, than to be sued and end up pursuing something that makes us unhappy ourselves"


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