Thursday 27 August 2020

Contoh-contoh dari Simple Present Tense yang Lengkap - smanforlearn

Simple Present - Penjelasan Simple Present Tense sudah kita bahas diartikel sebelumnya dan sekarang kita masuk ke contoh-contoh dari simple present tense.

Kita tau kalo simple present tense ada kalimat positif, negatif dan introgatif. Disamping itu juga ada verbal dan non-verbal. Nah, kita akan membahas atau lebih tepatnya membagikan untuk memberitahu bagaimana penerapan dari rumus-rumus simple present tense.

Sebelumnya buat kamu yang belum baca atau kelewatan materi pelajaran bahasa inggris dari smanforlearn. Kamu bisa nih lihat [Di sini] atau kamu bisa mengikuti smanforlearn dengan cara klik tombol email yang melayang tersebut.

1. Kalimat Positif


I fix a Car | He fixes a car

I play the playstation | She plays the playstation

I buy a gado-gado | She buys gado-gado

You catch a mouse | It catches a mouse

We study in library | She studies in library

I read one book every week | He reads one book every week

You go to Indomart at 9 a.m. | Anita goes to Indomart at 9 a.m.

This magazine tells me how to be discipline

My dog likes to play after eating

He runs a verry successful business

Penjelasan tentang simple present tense [Ada Disini].


He is handsome | I am strong

They are nice and beautiful

I am excited about the trip.

My sisters are very helpful.

We are interested in the history of this ancient city.

She is very patient and intelligent.

It is amazing.

My parents are at home.

You are out of control.

This kitten is on a green table.

Penjelasan tentang simple present tense [Ada Disini].

2. Kalimat Negatif


I do not read a novel this month.

She does not enjoy the crowd in that market.

You don’t tell a bad experience before sleeping.

Harry doesn’t read a newspaper in his office.

This magazine does not tell me how to get a girlfriend.

They don’t go to the beach on Monday.

My dog doesn’t like to sleep after eating.

They do not enjoy a big wave.

Vira doesn’t go to Kusamba Market in the afternoon.

The cat doesn't eat fish.

Penjelasan tentang simple present tense [Ada Disini].


I am not excited about this story.

He isn’t curious about my dream.

You aren’t eager to learn Science.

I‘m not with a kind person.

She is not lazy and ambitious.

My neighbors aren’t supportive people.

We aren’t a bad team.

Budi is not good at speaking Chinese.

It isn’t amazing, but still acceptable.

They are not amateur travelers.

Penjelasan tentang simple present tense [Ada Disini].

3. Kalimat Introgative/Pertanyaan



Does your dog like to sleep after eating?

Does this magazine tell you how to be creative?

Does Riczky read a newspaper before working?

Does she enjoy the crowd in that market?

Does Vira go to Kusamba Market at 5 a.m.?

Do I read one book every month?

Do you tell a fairy tale before sleeping?

Do we like to swim at the beach?

Do they go to the beach on weekend?

Do they enjoy a big wave?

Penjelasan tentang simple present tense [Ada Disini].


Why does your dog like to sleep after eating?

Why does this magazine tell you how to be creative?

Why does Riczky read a newspaper before working?

Why does she enjoy the crowd in that market?

Why does Vira go to Kusamba Market at 5 a.m.?

Where do I read one book every month?

Why do you tell a fairy tale before sleeping?

Why do we like to swim at the beach?

Why do they go to the beach on weekend?

Where do they enjoy a big wave?

Penjelasan tentang simple present tense [Ada Disini].



Is this her cat?

Is it your sister’s bag?

Are you the winners?

Am I the first child in my family?

Are they professional travellers?

Is he inside my house?

Are your parents at home?

Is she still in the dangerous forest?

Are they in Indonesia?

Am I excited about this story?

Penjelasan tentang simple present tense [Ada Disini].


Why is he inside my house?

Where are they?

Where is she in the morning?

Why is she still in the dangerous forest?

Who are you?

Why is he sad while eating?

Penjelasan tentang simple present tense [Ada Disini].

Itulah contoh dari kalimat positif, negatif dan introgatif pada simple present tense. Buat kamu yang belum paham kamu bisa baca artikel penjelasan dari simple present tense [Disini].

Jangan lupa baca artikel dari smanforlearn yang lainnya seputar bahasa inggris dan juga kalo kalian punya bisnis dan mau bekerja sama dilahkan hubungi kami di


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